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Find out more about our work to end poverty and how you can help, either individually or with your church.

Join the race to beat the climate crisis

The climate crisis takes centre stage at the Paris Olympics. Sign up to stay informed on how to take action.

Sheeps Head Hike 2024

This September, join the biggest hiking event on the Sheep’s Head peninsula.

Emergency preparedness

Help us to be there before, during and after emergencies to save lives and support families and communities for the long term.

Our work in action

Palestinian human rights activist visits Dublin

In this blog, read about Raji Sourani, Director of Christian Aid’s local partner in Gaza, Palestinian Centre for Human Rights recent visit to Dublin.

Nairobi’s female urban farmers adapt to the climate crisis

In this new blog, read how our local partner has been training ‘urban’ farmers in new techniques to help ensure they have enough food to feed their families and sell for an income.

‘I can now feed my children’

Read how Christian Aid has supported women in rural Burundi, including survivors of gender-based violence like Aline.
Emergency preparedness

Help support families when disaster strikes

With your help, we’re there before, during and after a disaster, to save lives and support people long term.

Image credits and information i
A healthcare worker checks the weight of a baby in Ethiopia to find out if she is healthy Credit: Christian Aid/Faith Alobo
The healthcare worker is checking the weight of baby
Help us change the world

It won't be easy, but we will keep going until everyone is free from poverty and inequality. You can help with a donation.