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Strengthen me

Strengthen me that my life might speak.

Something to read

You are the light of the world. A city built on a hill cannot be hidden.

- Matthew 5:14-15 .

Something to think about

Light as a spiritual concept appears in the religious writings of most belief systems. In poetry, prose, legend and myth, it is a metaphor and a way-post for the journey towards hope; in the Bible, it is described as being there at the very beginning of creation and as an essential part of the being of Jesus.

Neither our physical nor spiritual selves can survive long without light. In my tradition, we speak of, and seek to live by, the ‘inward light’ – what George Fox called ‘that of God’ within us. Jesus lays upon us a noble responsibility. We have been given something which, though unique to each one of us, is not for private use.

Something to do

Today, speak up for something you believe in. Look for an action, however small, in which you can join with those who work in giving hope to people who dwell in the darkness of oppression and poverty.

Something to pray

Show me the light that is in me; help me to live up to it that more may be given me; strengthen me that my life might speak.

Today’s contributor is Jill Segger. Quaker, writer, journalist and associate director of the thinktank Ekklesia, at the time of writing.