Appreciate your blessings
Appreciate your blessings.
So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today’s trouble is enough for today.
Something to think about
It’s so easy to live in the uncertainty of tomorrow. I have found myself having conversations with friends while internally I am thinking through tomorrow’s to-do list, or eating a meal on autopilot, not enjoying it, because I am focused on tomorrow’s issues.
There are so many worries for tomorrow – what will happen as we get older, as the world changes and as seasons shift.
Today has enough trouble, Jesus challenges us! He asks us to live in what is today rather than in what may not be tomorrow. This is really a call to action. It is a call to get stuck into today – the opportunities to bring about His Kingdom here on Earth here and now.
In worrying about tomorrow, we can also so often miss out on the blessing of today. What is it that God has done for you today? Is there food on your table? Give thanks. Do you have clothes to wear? Give thanks. Do you have clean water to drink? Give thanks.
A kingdom life should not be characterised by worry, but by a deep trust that God is sufficient. Let's start living in the present.