‘I did not come with anything. No table, no teapot, no chair, no bed.’
On 15 April 2023, everything changed for Shede, a mother and grandmother from El-Daein in Darfur, Sudan. She had been living a peaceful life, working at a restaurant and tending her organic farm, which sustained her family. But when conflict erupted across Sudan, her life was torn apart in an instant.
This Christmas, families who’ve lost everything urgently need your support to forge a life while waiting for peace.
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Fighting broke out and homes were bombed. Food was no longer available. The situation was dire. The conditions were very bad for us.
As war consumed her homeland, Shede faced unimaginable loss. Two of her brothers were killed, her nephew was severely injured, and her family’s safety was threatened. With no food and worsening conditions, she was forced to make the heart-wrenching decision to flee Sudan with her three daughters and six-year-old granddaughter, Mariem.
Sadly, her husband had to stay behind, and with no way to contact him, they have been separated ever since.
This Christmas, pray that children whose young lives have been torn apart by war will one day know peace and comfort.
Fleeing to safety in South Sudan
After a perilous journey, Shede and her family arrived at Wedweil Refugee Settlement in South Sudan.
Upon reaching the camp, the realities of their new life set in. Food and rations were scarce, and finding employment seemed impossible. In desperation, Shede’s elder daughters left the settlement to find work, leaving Saida and Mariem, both six years old, in Shede’s care.
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When my daughters saw how limited the rations were here in the settlement, and with no opportunities for employment, they left to look for jobs to support the family.
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Her daughters now work in a restaurant by the river, taking on physically exhausting tasks, but they are determined to send money home. Life for Shede is now focused on survival.
Living in a temporary shelter provided by the UNHCR, she must manage scarce food rations and financial assistance while caring for the two little girls. They receive some support from the UN’s World Food Programme, but it is not enough to meet their needs.
Will you give what you can today to help a family like Shede’s find some comfort and joy during upheaval, uncertainty and conflict?
Christian Aid’s role in supporting families like Shede’s
At Wedweil Refugee Settlement, Christian Aid is working alongside its partner, Smile Again Africa Development Organisation (SAADO), to provide vital financial assistance to families like Shede’s. To date, they have supported 4,550 people in the settlement, offering small cash grants that make a world of difference. These funds allow families to buy essential items such as nutritious food, medicine, blankets, and clothing.
When they give us support, we appreciate it. This money will help me so much.
Without this financial support, families would face unimaginable hardships. Children would go hungry, illnesses would go untreated, and families would struggle to maintain basic hygiene. For Shede, the money helps her buy meat to supplement their corn rations and Plumpy’nut, a peanut-based paste used to combat malnutrition.
This Christmas, pray that children whose young lives have been torn apart by war will one day know peace and comfort.
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Starting over with hope
As Christmas approaches, Shede’s story serves as a powerful reminder of the many families around the world who have been forced to flee their homes in search of safety. The war in Sudan continues to push more families across the border into South Sudan, where they arrive with little more than the clothes on their backs.
For Shede, the future remains uncertain, but she dreams of rebuilding her life. One of her goals is to save up enough money to buy cooking pots and utensils. She knows that with the right tools, she could start preparing food again—perhaps even earn a small income, just as she did in Sudan.
I want to save up to buy cooking pots and utensils. Remembering my work in the restaurant, I know that preparing food could be a way to earn a living.
This Christmas, please support someone like Shede to buy food and supplies that will protect their family from hunger and malnutrition.
How you can help this Christmas
As we gather with loved ones this Christmas, enjoying the warmth and joy of the season, let’s take a moment to think of families like Shede’s. While we celebrate in peace, they are forging a life in refugee settlements, waiting for the war to end.
Christian Aid’s Christmas Appeal is a vital source of support for families in South Sudan and beyond. Your generous donations can help provide food, medicine, blankets, and other essentials that are desperately needed. Together, we can ensure that no child goes hungry and that families have the resources they need to survive.
No one chooses to be a refugee. You’re only a refugee by virtue of the situation you find yourself in.
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Donate today to Christian Aid’s Christmas Appeal and help save lives in South Sudan.