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Christian Aid Ireland Magazine

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People before palm oil

Read how a palm oil plantation impacted a community in Sierra Leone and how our local partners are helping people get back on their feet

Turkey-Syria earthquake - one year on

Stories of support demonstrate compassion and solidarity during times of crisis

Turkey-Syria earthquake - six months on

Stories of support demonstrate compassion and solidarity during times of crisis

Building peace between farmers and herders in Sierra Leone

In this blog read how Christian Aid’s local partner in Sierra Leone has worked to reduce conflict between cattle herders and crop farmers.

Supporting women to take leadership roles in Sierra Leone

On international women’s day, read how with funding from Irish Aid our local partner in Sierra Leone is supporting women to take leadership roles and become more active in politics.

Horn of Africa crisis

The worst drought to hit the Horn of Africa in 40 years is causing terrible suffering. In this blog, we hear from communities we are supporting in northern Kenya.

Charity Gifts

Give a gift with real meaning this Christmas and purchase a Charity Gift

Supporting survivors of domestic violence in El Salvador

In this blog, we hear ‘Alejandra’s’ story and take a look at how with support from Irish Aid, Christian Aid’s local partner ORMUSA is supporting survivors of domestic violence in El Salvador.

What happened at COP26?

Find out what we thought of the outcomes. And what happens next.

Celebrate the power of mums

Will you stand with mums like Tenneh in Sierra Leone this Christian Aid Week?

Jean Thomspon: activist and humanitarian

Bangor lady reveals she's leaving a gift to Christian Aid in her Will

Committed givers

Read why the Hamilton family signed up for a monthly donation to Christian Aid.