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7 programmes

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Climate crisis

Support families like Mary Ann's on the frontlines of the climate crisis

Community Health

Our health work includes nutrition, malaria, HIV, and maternal and child health. We aim to secure people's rights to services essential for healthy lives.

Empowering communities to hold governments to account

In Nigeria, Malawi and Kenya we empowered communities to hold their governments to account and improve their health services.

From violence to peace

Violence and conflict are causes of poverty, capable of wiping out years of development and destroying thriving societies.

Humanitarian response

Christian Aid Ireland has been responding to humanitarian emergencies and disasters since 1945, providing urgently needed immediate relief and long-term support.

Managing risks in the occupied Palestinian territory

We have a long history of reducing poverty in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt).

Resilience and climate

We work for a world where poor people are able to keep more of the wealth they generate, and can better protect themselves when disaster strikes.