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34 resources

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Honey cake recipe card

Inspired by the mighty bees, the focus of our Spring Appeal 2024, we thought you might like to make your own delicious honey cake at home. Enjoy!

Pockets of Peace in Crisis

Report: The Impact of Integrating Conflict Prevention into Humanitarian Resilience Programmes in Fragile Contexts

Irish Aid Narrative Report Consultancy

Consultancy to support Annual Narrative Reporting

Givestar FAQs

Guidance on how to use Givestar

Code of conduct

The conduct, policies and code of behaviour you are expected to follow as a Christian Aid representative.

Create a Prayer Wall of Hope

A short guide to setting up a prayer wall in your church to pray for climate justice.

Trapped in Illicit Finance report

Trapped in Illicit Finance report

Global Strategy 2019-2026

Global Strategy 2019-2026

Global Strategy

Download the Global Strategy.

Research and evaluation ToRs - a one-page guide

Research and evaluation ToRs - a one-page guide

Writing executive questions - a one-page guide

Writing executive questions - a one-page guide

Writing research questions - a one-page guide

Writing research questions - a one-page guide

Accessing academic journals: a one-page guide

Accessing academic journals: a one-page guide

Communicating research for uptake and impact - a one-page guide

Communicating research for uptake and impact - a one-page guide

Literature reviews - a one-page guide

Literature reviews - a one-page guide

Engaging in the peace process in Colombia

Engaging in the peace process in Colombia

October meditation

October meditation

September meditation

September meditation